Journal of Education in Developing Areas
Home > Vol 32, No 1 > Mbaba


Awajiokinor Ekrika Mbaba


This study examines YouTube competencies among teachers, frequency of use and relevance of content in the teaching of Basic Education in Rivers State. Descriptive survey was used for the study. Three research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. Population of the study comprises of 12, 988 Basic Education teachers. 373 teachers were sampled using Purposive sampling techniques. Self-designed questionnaire titled Teachers ‗YouTube Competency, Frequency and Relevance Inventory (TYFR) was developed and used. The questionnaire were given face validity by expert of Educational Technology and Measurement and Evaluation from Department of Educational Foundations, Rivers State University Port Harcourt. TYFR was tested with 15 teachers and reliability of 0.72 was obtained using Kuder-Richardson Formula (KR-21). The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer research questions while the hypotheses were tested using t-test. The study revealed high competencies, high frequency of YouTube use among teachers. Thus, the author recommends the setting up of quality assurance to assess the quality and relevance of contents uploads by content providers for basic education purposes


YouTube; Competency; Frequency; Relevance

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