Journal of Education in Developing Areas
Home > Vol 32, No 1 > AGAGA


Elizabeth Isibhakhomen AGAGA, Prof (Mrs.) Elizabeth Omotunde Egbochuku


This study investigated the influence of age and educational level on psychotherapy Completion among Clients in the Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital, Benin City. The study adopted the correlational survey design. Two hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study consisted one hundred and thirteen (113) clients who attended psychotherapy sessions in the Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital, Benin City, from April to September, 2018 and consented toparticipate in the study. Thus the census approach of reaching the entire study population of clients visiting the hospital for psychotherapy purposes within the six (6) months period was used. The instrument used for data collection was Psychotherapy Counselling Completion Intention Determinant Questionnaire (PCCIDQ). The instrument was validated by three experts. The reliability coefficient of 0.81was obtained using the Cronbach Alpha statistics. The data collected were analysed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Statistics. The findings ofthe study showed that age and educational level does not have influence on psychotherapy completion among clients in federal Neuro-psychiatric hospital, Benin City. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that, age and level of education of client should not be a factor influencing clients‗ therapy completion intention.


Psychotherapy; Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital; Sex; Education; and Clients

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