Journal of Education in Developing Areas
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Educational policies play a crucial role in creating a pattern for a nation‗s development to achieve a worldwide need. The paper x-rayed the educational policies and implementation with a view of meeting the needs of contemporary society through university education for sustainable development in Nigeria. It focuses on the implementation of educational policies in Nigeria within the confines of university education to foster sustainable development. The educational system has been crippled by such and it has affected national development. This paper presents how possible it will be for the university administrators in Nigeria to make policies that will be of the best interest to the students and the larger society to meet their needs, those that are laying down the policies and to who the implemented polices will affect and finally the time by which this is achievable. A detailed literature review of educational policies, policy implementation, university education and sustainable development was enunciated. It highlights the fundamental problems associated with the formulation and implementation of educational policies in Nigeria. The paper balances the distortions in the educational system on lack of funding for implementation policy, willingness for implementation, corruption, and depletion of modern infrastructure. Several suggestions were put forward for a better understanding of achieving an effective educational policy for sustainable development. In conclusion, educational policy implementation is significant for sustainable development in the contemporary society. If all the stakeholders should put into good practice it would yield positive results in meeting up the needs of the contemporary society in Nigeria in the years to come.


Educational Policies;Implementation;University Education;Sustainable Development

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