Journal of Education in Developing Areas
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Tamunoigbelema Jaja, Ibekwe Anthony Amadi, Sunny Nwakanma


The study examined predictive maintenance practices of school facilities for instructional delivery in technical colleges in Rivers State.. One research question guided the study and one null hypotheses was tested at 0.05 alpha level. It adopted survey research design. The population of the study comprised 104 teachers and students of four technical colleges in Rivers State. The entire population was used for the study since it was not too large and was manageable. Hence, the study did not adopt any sampling technique. A 14 – item structured questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection for the study. Three experts validated the instrument. Cronbach‗s Alpha method was used to establish the reliability of the instrument in a pilot test; which yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.80. The instrument for data collection was sent to respondents through research assistants. Data related to the research questions were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The t-test statistics was used to test the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. Findings from the study revealed that predictive maintenance practices on school facilities for effective instructional delivery were applied to a low extent in technical colleges in Rivers Sate. The study recommended among others that, State government should always make fund available in order for heads of schools to carry out predictive maintenance on school facilities.


school facilities;predictive maintenance;instructional delivery;technical colleges

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