Journal of Education in Developing Areas
Home > Vol 32, No 1 > Okoi


I. I. Okoi, E. Ameh, E. E. Omini


This study is aimed at determining the analysis of the differential distribution of educational resources between Urban and Rural Areas in Ikom Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria. Two sub-variables were used for the study, research questions and a statement of the hypotheses. A survey design was adopted. The population of the study comprised all the eighty-one (81) public secondary schools in Ikom Education zone of Cross River State. The sampling method adopted for this study was census. All the public secondary schools were used for the study as a sample size. A checklist was used for data collection, the result of the findings revealed that there is a significant difference in the distribution of educational resources in terms of the distribution of basic amenities and the posting of teachers. If the government is committed to providing equal opportunities for all students to learn, they should provide Facilities, like electricity, pipe-born water, boreholes, libraries, and laboratories, which should be built in all schools so that students can learn effectively. Posting of teachers should also be provided to all schools to create a balance between urban and rural schools. The government and Ministry of Education should provide decent accommodation, grant study leave with payment of transfer grants, award hard- working rural teachers, provide allowances, and recommend rural teachers for best teacher awards. This will reduce the velocity or tendencies of teachers not willing to be posted to rural schools.

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